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Berlin Psalm Project (GER)
Album launch tour

Event Start Date & TIme: October 8, 2024 18:00

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Seated General Entry70$29.00

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Seated Student Entry7$24.00

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Seated Duke/Duchess4$0.00

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8 October 2024 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Ellington Jazz Club

Doors 6pm
Show 7pm

The Psalms speak to the deepest inner longing of every human being. Songs of lament, songs of joy, songs of adoration. Ali Maegraith, who has made herself at home in Berlin since 2015, brings her own original settings of these ancient and timeless songs to modern jazz. 

The Berlin Psalm Project debut album was recorded in 2023, with arrangements from Richard Maegraith and also local Perth trombonist Will Pethick. Tonight they share the stage with Karl Florrisson (bass), Sam Newman (drums) and Jackson Van Ballegooyan (Piano). 

Jazz, an art form that is driven by improvisation, captures the emotion and essence of the moment and provides the perfect setting to explore deeply into what it means to pour out our hearts in vulnerability before God.


